We are proud to announce all of our recently completed projects. None of this would be possible without the generous donations from our corporate, community and private donors.

How Donations Transform into Equipment Purchase
Each year we work closely with the medical community to evaluate needs in equipment and create projects and goals to purchase equipment.
Bathing Tub with Lift $53,900 -Terraceview Lodge
Providing the Copper Unit (Dementia Care) safe and comfortable bathing access at Terraceview Lodge. This Tub cost included a renovation to the Bathing Room to update it and create a home-like Spa environment to what can often be confusing and frightening to those suffering with dementia!
Active/Passive Omni Trainer $11,218
Terraceview Lodge
Residents can work out both upper and lower body while sitting, helping increase circulation, lung capacity and give an overall feeling of staying active!
Uretero-Reno Scope $22,187
Urology Dept. Mills Memorial Hospital
ENT Stealth Station Imaging Guidance System $121,325
Mills Memorial Hospital- Rhinology Services/for complex sinus & skull based surgeries.
This imaging guidance system will enable our resident Otolaryngologist to treat up to 60% of her patients who in the past, would have been referred for surgery to Vancouver and wait up to 3 years! A win for our whole Northwest!
Counter Top Fluid Warmer $5,962
Mills Memorial Hospital- ER/ICU
2020 Door Wrap Campaign for Terraceview Lodge
$28,400 donated by generous Terrace and Community donors purchased 72 door wraps to cheer the hearts of residents at Terraceview lodge, at the end of a dismal year of lockdowns and isolation…
way to show your love!
$69,660 Hysteroscope & Fluent Fluid Management System
OBGYN Physicians Dr. Van Rensburg and Dr. Ziola welcome this state-of-the-art system to greatly expand the Women’s Wellness services at Mills Memorial Hospital.
$211,000 Ultrasound with Bariatric Probes– 2020
Wait lists in MMH’s Imaging Department are rapidly shrinking with the new Phillips Ultrasound. Opting to purchase special Bariatric Probes, rather than an attached Echocardiogram, they are now able to do Bariatric scans instead of having patients referred to Prince George for this specialized service! A win for us in the Northwest!!
$33,000 Bathing Tub with Lift for Terraceview Lodge Sunshine Center Community Bathing Program 2020
Not able to safely bathe at home anymore? Now there’s help to allow seniors with mobility challenges to stay in their own homes. Community elders can take advantage of bathing in a new jet bath with lift, as part of the service offered through the Sunshine Center Program at Terraceview Lodge.
$39,000 Infant Ventilator – Mills Memorial Hospital 2019
2019/2020 Infant Ventilator- Pediatrics Team with Baby Simulator ‘Simi’